Project list:

Energy supplier platform w. microservices

16 months - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Designing and developing a platform for energy suppliers to manage customers and contracts

- Golang microservices with Postgres DB
- Linux
- DBeaver
- Drone CI/CD
- Papertrail/Dynatrace for monitoring
- AWS Services used: S3, SQS, Cognito, Route53, Parameter Store, RDS
- Deployed on Kubernetes (AWS EKS)

On-Prem Kubernetes Administrator

7 months - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Setting up and managing a Kubernetes cluster and the underlying infrastructure

- Kubernetes 
- Istio service mesh
- Ansible
- Proxmox
- Helm
- OPNSense

Database migration pipeline w. microservices

6 months - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Creating an ETL pipeline with Golang & Kafka to migrate data from an old system to a new one

- Golang microservices to keep memory footprint low
- Kafka for async paralell processing
- Deployed on Docker Swarm
- MSSQL DB & SOAP APIs used for extraction
- REST & SOAP APIs used for load
- Management UI created with VueJS
- MongoDB for monitoring & QA

Kafka Administrator (setup and management)

12 months - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Creating & managing Kafka clusters
Helping developers getting up to speed with Kafka

- Kafka
- Ansible
- Linux
- SystemD
- Proxmox

Inventory management software + User management software

7 months - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Creating a SAAS product that allows you to quickly implement inventories and user management into your applications

- VueJS with Nuxt
- Golang
- Docker
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL

Game developer/lecturer

1.5 years - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Developing games with C# and Unity (game engine)

- C#
- Unity Engine
- PostgreSQL
- Docker

Blockchain analyst

2 years - Freelance

Main responsibility:
Analyzing the market and calculating risks/opportunities for clients using technical research and white paper deep dives to make offer insights.