
I’m Bastian, a 31y old software developer from Cologne, Germany.
Efficiency and innovation often leads to more elegant and simpler ways outside the norm.
Simplicity is a successful design principle which makes things more easier to understand and use. It also increases the likelihood of something actually being used.

My private project often combine design & programming which may come from interest in craftsmanship,
technology and nature. Some of the things I use to fill up free time include: Aquascaping,
board games and learning about new technology.

CV as PDF:


Main development stack:


Image Javascript HTML CSS VueJS
Name Javascript HTML CSS VueJS
Proficiency 10/10 10/10 10/10 9/10


Image Golang Docker Node.js GNU Make Linux
Name Golang Docker Node.js GNU Make Linux
Proficiency 6.5/10 9/10 9/10 8/10 8/10

Infrastructure / Datenbanken:

Image Kubernetes Postgresql MongoDB Kafka
Name Kubernetes PostgreSQL MongoDB Kafka
Proficiency 3/10 8/10 7/10 4/10



Image AWS-S3
Name AWS-S3
Proficiency 5/10